Miranda strode past. Her mind was as far from the scene around her as her head was buried under her umbrella-blue, to match her new Trousers from the Flydale North market. She didn't notice the strange aura which overhung the chimneys, nor the eerie, almost sulphrous aroma which the chimneys belched out. it was only later that night, as she manicured her nails (green, to match tomorrow's outfit) that she remembered. The sheep. Those sheep. Now you could say all sheep look alike, but there was something about these -surely they belonged to Malcolm. She'd know those faces anywhere...........they were realistic enough but they weren't- real. How had they travelled all the way from Scrummidge upon Styx to Flydale without losing all of their battery power. For Miranda knew the secret. Those sheep weren't real.....
Miranda strode past. Her mind was as far from the scene around her as her head was buried under her umbrella-blue, to match her new Trousers from the Flydale North market. She didn't notice the strange aura which overhung the chimneys, nor the eerie, almost sulphrous aroma which the chimneys belched out. it was only later that night, as she manicured her nails (green, to match tomorrow's outfit) that she remembered. The sheep. Those sheep. Now you could say all sheep look alike, but there was something about these -surely they belonged to Malcolm. She'd know those faces anywhere...........they were realistic enough but they weren't- real. How had they travelled all the way from Scrummidge upon Styx to Flydale without losing all of their battery power. For Miranda knew the secret. Those sheep weren't real.....