Monday, 28 September 2020

Sheep Farm


Sheep Farm

1 comment:

  1. Spot the dog didn't know what to make of them. They weren't like any sheep she'd ever seen in her life before. Right strange ones here, if only the stupid humans could notice what was important instead of thinking about everything that didn't matter instead.
    Spot wasn't quite correct, though. Farmer Peabrain (oh how they used to tease him at school for that. Especially Dodger Deacon and Toby) had spotted that something wasn't quite the full ticket. For one thing, they looked to clean and tidy. For another, no one was herding them. And for a final other thing, there was a strange mist settling over the hills. It hadn't been there a few seconds ago. And why was the brook babbling up like that? Calm as anything it'd been on his way out. Something was a-brewing here...
