'Mind the pond,' said Mrs Puddle to little Pauline Puddle. 'Dare you to step in the pond,' said Ermintrude to Edgar as they stood by their house, The Old Widdleshins. It was a converted barn, whose calm terracotta exterior belied the shining lake of chrome and silver within. Fisher McMurgatroyd of the McMurgatroyds of Lower Tewksbury- Upon-Stapler didn't say anything as he crept by the pond. That left the one person who would look straight into the water of the pond, and he was right here, right now...
'Mind the pond,' said Mrs Puddle to little Pauline Puddle. 'Dare you to step in the pond,' said Ermintrude to Edgar as they stood by their house, The Old Widdleshins. It was a converted barn, whose calm terracotta exterior belied the shining lake of chrome and silver within. Fisher McMurgatroyd of the McMurgatroyds of Lower Tewksbury- Upon-Stapler didn't say anything as he crept by the pond. That left the one person who would look straight into the water of the pond, and he was right here, right now...