Monday, 18 January 2021

Man to Man


Man to Man

1 comment:

  1. 'I dunno, Toby. It's all wrong. Sheep going funny, now we're stood here in a bar without chairs and fancy beers in those weird pots.'
    'They look like those thingies in hospital,' Toby said to Dodger. 'You know, them things wot my Grandad had we he had his operation-what's it called?'
    'No appreciation of modernity, you haven't,' said Dodger, folding his arms and grinning ironically. 'I knew I should've asked Octave from my men's group.'
    'Octave?' said Toby. 'That's a girl's name innit?'
    'Nah, you're thinking of Octavia,' said Dodger. 'You don't know anything.'
    Then they fell silent as the barmaid served them craft ale in stylised, reclaimed marmalade jars. It took all their concentration to work out how to hold both their drinks and the plate of caremalised olives. Dodger looked up and was about to say something funny when he fell silent. He had seen the barmaid's tee shirt which read: 'Clockwork sheep are cool.'
