Oooooh yes more of these please! The little rabbit looks happy and I love how its pink ear blends with the pink building thingy which is looking straight at it. The chimneys are most pleasing, as is the huge pottery-like contraption. The house has no door-interesting........has Marianne from Marianne Dreams not drawn one yet? Are the chimneys like the boulders in said book, creeping gradually closer?.............
Oooooh yes more of these please! The little rabbit looks happy and I love how its pink ear blends with the pink building thingy which is looking straight at it. The chimneys are most pleasing, as is the huge pottery-like contraption. The house has no door-interesting........has Marianne from Marianne Dreams not drawn one yet? Are the chimneys like the boulders in said book, creeping gradually closer?.............