Sunday, 30 May 2021

Sheep at Twilight


Sheep at Twilight

1 comment:

  1. Huh, how come I'm stuck here, thought Jason. All the rest of the crowd were down The Rat-and-Feathers downing the cider Aunt Maud had specially brewed from her hundred year old cellar secret distillery. (Actually that was a myth put about to attract the now seemingly endless parade of wealthy townies who'd 'discovered' the Rat in an Sunday supplement article entitled 'secret treasures of forgotten England.' The 'home cider' was actually the job-lot Uncle Sid had brought back from his day out with the lads to France ten years ago). Anyhow, that didn't make up for being stuck here. And those sheep-he didn't like how they faced him, making him think of a marching army. Perhaps the orange jumper had been a mistake. He suddenly thought about Little Red Riding Hood and the hungry wolf and felt even more uneasy...
